Tuesday, 21 October 2014


बड़ा घिसा था पेन को मेने अंधेरे से घुलसी उस चाँद के रोशनी मे! एक अजीब से उत्साह उकरने लगता है लिखते-लिखते के रात का पता लापता-सा हो जाता था और मुझे कोई फरक भी नही पड़ता..मे बेहोश मदहोश..अपने ख्यालो की मौजो मे कश्ती ताएराता रहता.. मे बस एक बेबाक बेधड़क सिपाही की तरह अल्फाज़ो को आज़ाद करके..उन्हे काग़ज़ पे काली स्याही के सुलझने वाले गुच्छे बना लेता था! 

ज़्यादातर जुड़ने वाले लफ्ज़ मेरे ज़िंदगी के दफ़्न हुए वकीये होते थे!

पर आजकल अजीब सा खाल है.. मेरी ज़िंदगी को लेकर.. रूठ गये है.. वो क़लम, वो काग़ज़ और वो ख़याल मुझसे.. ना जाने क्यूँ दस्तक ना देते अकेलेपन मे मेरा.. क्या धोखा दिया मेने या बेवफा कर दिया उसे जज़्बे के प्यार को! नफ़रत नही है.. शायद वक़्त से डर गये है..और चुप के बैठे है किसी कोने मे!
मे भी वाकिफ़ हू और जाहिल हू के इस तालीम मे अपनी खूबी को पीछे कही छोड़ता जा रा हूँ!
फिर वापस एक माचिस की तिल्ली जालायी है..इसी के घरोंधे मे और वादा है मेरा ख़यालो से के भरे गुबारो की तरह यू ही आसमान मे गायब ना होने दूँगा.. बना लूँगा एक तस्वीर तुम्हारी काग़ज़ो मे अक्सर!

Friday, 3 October 2014

बारिश के रूहे

आप कभी हारते या जीत ते नही हूँ बारिश मे भीग के! बस आप भीगते हूँ! एक वक़्त के लिए सब कुछ भूल जाते हो!कितने सवाल, खायल उस वक़्त से पहले होते है! जैसे सारी सड़के और छत धूल जाती है वैसे ही वो ख्याल सवाल धूल जाते है! कुछ वक़्त के लिए आप ऑफीस और घर की परेशानियो से कही दूर चले जाते हो! बहुत दूर! शायद यही लम्हा ज़िंदगी होता है! आप कुछ सोचते नही सिर्फ़ महसूस करते हो!

Chennai experience of a North Indian

Hi, i am basically from Jaipur, Rajasthan and I am living in Chennai, Tamilnadu for almost past 8 months and presently working on Cognizant Technology Solution, Chennai. Before this, i had never ever visited Tamil Nadu or even the south. I had to Join Cognizant, Chennai  within 20 Days of my interview, which was Dec, 2013. So, all the decisions and planning was done in too much of a rush and many legal formalities. From relatives and known, me and my family had made a rough outline about Chennai, their culture, Weather, food and other things. The food Scared my mother to opt for Chennai and leave the decision to join Cognizant. But the career path and MNC Working Experience let myself driven to the southern vibes.

About Chennai:

Not digging the historical background, but to tell you how I feel about Chennai and their people.

  • Weather: Is humid and sometimes its torturous to survive for a North-Indian. It's different from the summer weather of the north. Its more humid and tangy. So, I shifted to AC PG Even in the Month of February.

  • People: The majority of Tamils i have met are kinda introverts. They don't have bad intentions towards you if you're North Indian they are neutral towards us. that is why Tamil Nadu have the less crime rates. They are knowledgeable in their Field, more Career-Oriented and sincere to their work  while comparing with other North-Indian Colleagues but Northies gain Points in communication skills.

  • Transport : Chennai have really better transport facility with comparison to Jaipur like buses will be available from Morning 4-5 at night 12-1 from most of the routes and you'll find transport at different prices as well, ranging from AC buses to white board buses which costs most expensive and most cheapest respectively. hard to pronounce and remember the places. after many exercises, i can pronounce 'Sholinganallur' correctly but still confused with metukuppam, karapakkam and all the -am's. but i'll recognize them with time. The auto is still costly and way more costlier when he recognizes you as northie. Well, everything comes with a side-effect.

  • Food : What If you get only rice in the lunch as well as in the dinner. and everything made up of rice. Biryani, Curd-rice, Sambhar rice, Veg Fried Rice with Veg Biryani Rice, Rice with Rice! Shit! Actually, the rice is south replacement of Roti. They eat everything with Rice. even if you try to come out of rice, it needs bucks.A single Roti cost 10 times than price of Roti in North. And it is also too Raw and disguise to digest. The food is always an issue for north-Indian for their survival in South. But here's a escape, if you're non-vegetarian then you'll occasionally get the North-Indian standard food.

  • Communication : Tamil is the Only place in India Where you'll find majority of Non-Hindi Speakers. their Periyar's theories kept them stick to their language and they're proud of it. well, its hard for us to communicate with Tamils but most of the people easily understand english.

  • Culture : people here follows traditional culture so the night life is not as good as other metro city. gigs and concerts are very less and some of them might be restricted to language barriers. though malls, pubs and party places are satisfactory if you have good party-loving crowd.

It's not hard to survive here as its seems. you find a good work culture, hard working people and simple-living personalities.
Enjoy to the fullest :)