Showing posts with label rpsc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rpsc. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How to Prepare for RPSC Programmer?

Rajasthan Public Service Commission(RPSC) is conducting the RPSC Programmer exam 2013 on 6th September 2013 as per the latest notification from RPSC NOTIFICATION.

The exams is objective having weightage of 200 marks and been divided into two parts for 2 hours each as follow :

PART-I includes :

1. Test & Numerical Analysis & General Knowledge 

Problem solving, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. General Knowledge and Current Affairs relating to India and Rajasthan.

2. Data Base Management Systems

3. Data Communication and Computer Networks

PART-II Includes:

1. System Analysis and Design

2. Programming Concepts

The marks and time allowed for each Paper shall be as under:

Name of Papers                              Marks                  Time
PAPER- I                                          100                    2 Hours
PAPER- II                                        100                    2 Hours

Minimum qualifying marks :  40% marks in the aggregate 
                                                             36% Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. 
grace marks three in the aggregate.


  • motivate yourself and aim to clear the exam and it doesn't matter how many or who is giving the exam.
  • Don't panic from Syllabus. Divide the study as per the division of the syllabus.
  • make a rough time table of what you have to study today and how much you have to study.
  • divide days to dedicate the topic on it. at the end of this topic, solve the objective questions. analyse your strength and weakness.
  • Don't Panic. keep your focus on karma Or STRATEGIC KARMA(SMART WORK)
  • Make your notes. Don't Rely on other's notes
  • Study as according to the syllabus. be precise and practise your to more objective problems.
  • Make charts/ diagrams to sharpen up your memory and concepts
  • Don't under confident and over-confident yourself!!


1. Test & Numerical Analysis & General Knowledge

Book For Problem solving, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning :

Quantitative Aptitude by R S Agarwal

General Knowledge and Current Affairs relating to India and Rajasthan : 
1. Pratyogita Darpan 
2. Give your 15-20 reading the Rajasthan section of Rajasthan
3. overview the 

2. Data Base Management Systems 

Syllabus :
ER Diagram, data models- Relational and Object Oriented databases. Data Base Design: Conceptual data base design, 
Normalization Primitive and Composite data types, concept of physical and logical databases, data abstraction and data 
independence, data aggregation and Relational Algebra.
Application Development using SQL: Host Language interface, embedded SQL programming, Stored procedures and 
triggers and views, Constraints assertions.
Internal of RDBMS: Physical data organisation in sequential, indexed random and hashed files. Inverted and multilist 
structures, B trees, B+ trees, Query Optimisation, Join algorithm.
Transaction Processing, concurrency control and recovery management. Transaction model properties and state 
serialisability. Lock base protocols, two phase locking.

Book : 
Database management system by Korth. You can buy it or download from internet itself. 

3. Data Communication and Computer Networks

Syllabus : 
Computer Network Architecture, Circuit switching, Packet And Massage Switching, Network Structure. Physical Layer, 
Data Link Layer, Framing. Retransmission algorithms.
Multiple access and Aloha. CSMA/CD and Ethernet. High Speed LANs and topologies. Broadcast routing and spanning 
TCP/IP Stack. IP Networks and Internet. DNS and Firewalls. Intrusion Detection and Prevention.
Transport layer and TCP/IP. Network Management And Interoperability.

Book : 
computer networks By tanenbaum. You can buy it or download from internet itself. 


1. System Analysis and Design

Syllabus :
System concept: Definition and characteristics, elements and boundaries, types of system development life cycle, 
recognition of needs, feasibility study, prototyping, role of system analyst.
System planning and tools like DFD, data dictionary, decision trees, structured analysis and decision tables.
IPO charts, structured walkthrough, input output form design, requirement and classification of forms, layout 
considerations form control, object oriented Design Concepts and methods.
Software Life Cycle, Software Engineering paradigms.
System analysis: Feasibility study requirement analysis, Cost benefit analysis, Planning systems, Analysis tools and 
System Design: design fundamentals, Modular Design, Data and procedural design, object oriented design.
System Development: Code documentation, Program design paradigms, Efficiency Consideration. Verification, Validation 
and Testing: testing methods, Formal Program Verification, Testing Strategies. Software Maintenance: Maintenance 
Characteristics, Maintainability, Maintenance tasks and side effects.

Book : will upload the precise content later!

2. Programming Concepts:

Syllabus :
Introduction: Internet, Java as a tool for internet applications, Byte Code and its advantages.
Object Oriented Programming and Design: Review of Abstraction, Objects and other basics, Encapsulation, Information 
hiding, Method, Signature, Classes and Instances, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Exceptions and Exception Handling with 
reference to object modeling, Coupling and Cohesion in object oriented software. Object Oriented Design – Process, 
Exploration and Analysis.
Java Programming Basics: Variables and assignments, Input and Output, Data Types and Expressions, Flow of control, 
Local variables, Overloading Parameter passing, this pointer, Java Object Oriented Concepts: Use of file for I/O, 
Formatting output with stream functions, Character I/O, Inheritance, Public and private members, Constructors for
initializations, Derived classes, Flow of Control Arrays-Programming with arrays, arrays of classes, arrays as function 
arguments, Strings, Multidimensional arrays, Arrays of strings, vectors, Base classes.
Introduction to JSP, RMI, Java Applets and servlets.
Introduction to DotNet framework and visual programming interface

Book :
as per the Syllabus, it only include java as a primary language, so people having java for their projects in academics are been benefited in their 2nd paper. in this, there is little part of DotNet Framework and visual programming interface, so you have a basic knowledge about  .net framework , Visual studio, Client-server architecture, Interface (HTML, XML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery)

Book For Java : Khalid Mughal for JAVA
Book For Dotnet Framework and VPI Intro : i will upload the precise content later.


Those Who Want the Old Exam paper of Programmer. Send message to My facebook page :
Mail Me Subject : "Request for Programmer paper" and send it to Khizar

All other content for exam is been uploaded soon. stay in touch!

DISCLAIMER : This is all my personal views, if you have any query, you can Ask in comments. happy Reading! Share to your Social network so that it help more people. :)

Sunday, 11 August 2013

How To Prepare For RAS Pre?

Rajasthan Public Service Commission(RPSC) is conducting the RAS(Rajasthan Admistrative Service) exam 2013 on 26th October as per the latest notification from RPSC NOTIFICATION.

Based upon the new pattern of RAS under which a single paper is conducted.

The RAS Prelims Examination consists of one paper on the subject General Knowledge and General Science, which will be of Purely objective type and carry weightage of 200 marks. The paper will have 150 questions carrying equal marks each. Also there will be 1/3 negative marking for each wrong answer. The maximum time for the examination will be 3 hrs. The examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The Standard of the paper will be that of a Bachelor’s Degree Level.


The Paper will test candidates on the knowledge in the following areas :

1. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan
2. Indian History
3. Geography of World and India
4. Geography of Rajasthan
5. Indian Constitution, Political System & Governance
6. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan
7. Economic Concepts and Indian Economy
8. Economy of Rajasthan
9. Science & Technology
10. Reasoning & Mental Ability
11. Current Affairs

To view detailed syllabus please visit Rajasthan Public Service Commission’s Website or the link below

RAS Pre English Version


  • Go through the syllabus before creating the heap of books. the link is been mentioned Above.
  • Motivate yourself and manage the time to study hard
  • Make time table when and where you have to study
  • Don't Panic. keep your focus on karma Or STRATEGIC KARMA(SMART WORK).
  • Study Regularly. but don't keep yourself locked in a box. free yourself once in a week.
  • As it is a prelims exam, so your strategy to avoid reading theories and thesis. Study in points. and one way to study in point is to study and make your notes in points methodology.
  • if you done with any topic, Solve the objective questions.
  • Read regular newspaper for 15-25 minutes. for English, I recommend THE HINDU. for Hindi, I recommend RAJASTHAN PATRIKA.
  • Subscribe to weekly or Monthly magazine issue like CIVIL SERVICE CHRONICLE / Pratyogita Darpan.
  • Keep your concentration on Concept, Don't mug up things. As the new pattern is very long and less time. so, keep your focus on concept cause it will be saved in minds and won't confuse you.
  • Make your notes. Don't Rely on other's notes
  • make charts/ diagrams to sharpen up your memory and concepts
  • Go through employment news every weekend
  • And Don't under confident and over-confident yourself!! 

1. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan

Syllabus : 
  • Salient features of Architecture – Forts and Monuments
  • Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts.
  • Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dances.
  • Rajsathani Culture, Traditions and Heritage.
  • Important Tourist Places.
  • Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and Revenue System. Socio-cultural Issues.
  • Freedom Movement , Political Awakening and Integration
  • Religious Movements, Saints& Lok devtas of Rajasthan.
  • Leading Personalities of Rajasthan.
  • Important Works of Rajasthani literature. Local Dilects

Firstly, Go through the base.
Study the books of Rajasthan board from 9th to 12th of Rajasthan history / geography / Social Science. Don't buy them, burrow it from anybody 1-by-1.
Don't create heap of these books. if you're done with one burrow another.
you can download these books from

you can skip this step and read the standard books.

i. Rajasthan Culture by Jai Singh Niraj
ii. Rajasthani History by Kalu Ram Sharma.
iii. Lakshya series

And Go through the official Rajasthan website that will help you :

2. Indian History 

Syllabus :

Ancient & Medieval Period:
  •  Salient features and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India
  • Art, Culture, Literature and Architecture.
  • Major Dynasties, Their Administrative System. Socio-Economic Conditions, Prominent Movements.
Modern Period:

  • Modern Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present)- significant events, personalities and issues.
  • The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages and important contributors and contributions from different parts of the country.
  •  Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th century.
  • Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.

Start with reading the base books That is NCERT from class 6th to 12th. that will put foundation to your concept.
you can download these books from :

and Aware to study as per as syllabus. don't Study outside it. so, i recommend you to mark the index what you have to study. or you can skip this step.

Then move to Standard books, i recommend :

1. Wonder that was India - A.L. Bhashem.
2. Ancient India - an introductory outline - D.N.Jha

MODERN HISTORY: "A BRIEF HISTORY OF MODERN INDIA" by Spectrum publication. they also publish book for Hindi medium as  "Adhunik bharat ka itehass" 

3. Geography of World and India & 4. Geography of Rajasthan


World Geography:
  •  Broad Physical features.
  • Environmental and Ecological Issues.
  • Wildlife and Bio-diversity.
  • International Waterways.
  • Major Industrial Regions.
Geography of India:
  •  Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
  •  Agriculture and Agro based Activities.
  • Minerals – Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals.
  • Major Industries and Industrial development.
  • Transportation– major transport corridors.
  • Natural Resources.
  • Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues.
Geography of Rajasthan:
  • Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
  • Natural Resource of Rajasthan-
  • Climate, Natural Vegetation, Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity
  • Major irrigation projects.
  • Mines and Minerals.
  • Population.
  • Major Industries and Potential for Industrial Development
BOOKS : I Recommend you to read NCERT books. the best option!
Also refer to the NIOS (National institute for open schooling.)
Contemporary Rajasthan by L.R.Bhalla

Go through govt. websites and prepare notes:

5. Indian Constitution, Political System & Governance 

The prelims is been divided into three parts:
  1. Indian Constitution related conventional topics  e.g. Government of India Acts: 1919 and 1935, Nature of Indian Constitution; Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendments, etc.
  2. Indian Political System and Governance e.g. CVC, NHRC etc.
Indian polity / Bharat ki rajyavyavastha by M. Laxmikant

6. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan

Rajasthan state related polity e.g. CM, state assembly, HC etc

Indian polity / Bharat ki rajyavyavastha by M. Laxmikant

7. Economic Concepts and Indian Economy 

1. Basic concepts
2. Indian Economy : It Includes Economic Development & Planning, Human Resource and Economic Development, Social Justice and Empowerment.
1. NCERT 11th and 12th
2. Indian Economy / Bhartiye Arthvyavastha by RAMESH SINGH
3. MAG book / Economic issue of Pratyogita Darpan

8. Economy of Rajasthan 

  • Macro overview of Economy.
  • Major Agricultural, Industrial and Service Sector Issues.
  • Growth, Development and Planning.
  • Infrastructure & Resources.
  • Major Development Projects.
  • Programmes and Schemes

Economy of Rajasthan by Laxminarayan Nathuramka
Rajasthan official Website (you'll find every aspect of syllabus there)

9.  Science & Technology 

  • Basics of Everyday Science.
  • Electronics, Computers, Information and Communication Technology.
  • Space Technology including Satellites.
  • Defence Technology.
  • Nanotechnology.
  • Human body, Food and Nutrition, Health care.
  • Environmental and Ecological Changes and its Impacts.
  • Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
  • Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.
  • Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan
NCERT 6th - 10th download it from
Spectrum’s book on Science and Technology/ Vigyan Evum Prodhyogiki.

10. Reasoning & Mental Ability

SYLLABUS : divided into three parts :

1. Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive)
2. Mental Ability
3. Basic Numeracy

A modern Approach to verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning by R S Agarwal.
I recommend to avoid wasting much time in doing all problems. just gain the concept and tricks to solve it.
And mark the chapters that are included in the syllabus. 
practice all variety of questions as solve the IBPS/bank PO previous papers.

11. Current Affairs

  • Major Current Events and Issues of State(Rajsathan), National and International Importance
  • Persons and Places in reccent news
  • Games and Sports related Activities
- Read magazines like CST, Chronicle , pratyogita darpan
- give atleast 15 minutes of everyday in reading newspaper.


DISCLAIMER : This is all my personal views, if you have any query, you can Ask in comments. happy Reading! Share to your Social network so that it help more people.